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International Conference - Air Quality

Quality air is a globally shared resource essential for human health and prosperity. Good air quality enables animal and plant health, ecosystem balance, and environmental stability. Poor air quality is a major threat to health, food supplies, and infrastructure. Sources of air pollutants can be natural (such as volcanic eruptions, bushfires, etc.) or man-made (such as industrial processes, agriculture, etc.). Pollutants can travel long distances and are difficult to contain after being emitted. How does air quality differ between urban and rural areas? How can some areas’ pollution burden others?


Everyone is exposed to both indoor and outdoor sources of air pollution, with 99% of the world’s population living in places where the World Health Organization’s quality standards are not met. What role does regulation play in improving air quality? Air quality has a two-way relationship with soil and water chemistry, as well as air and sea temperatures. How could technologies and civil engineering adapt to monitor and reduce the level of air pollutants? When breathed in, polluted air can cause serious health problems. How will air quality impact everyday life in the future?

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